Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution Updated: January 27, 1981
Bylaws Updated: June 25, 2024



ARTICLE 1   Name

The name of the Society is the Calgary Numismatic Society also known as the CNS.

ARTICLE II  Objectives

The objectives of the Society are:

(a)   to stimulate the hobby of numismatics in general.

(b)   to encourage the growth of and interest in numismatics.

(c)   to assist in educating interested people in numismatics.

To accomplish these objectives, the Society shall be a non‑profit society, and the Society will hold regular meetings, shows, and social gatherings.

ARTICLE III Operations

The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by the "Executive Committee" which will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

ARTICLE IV Membership

Any person of good reputation can become a member of the Society subject to the bylaws of the Society.


(a)   The bylaws are the rules and regulations by which the Society's daily affairs are administered.

(b)   Any member may propose or amend bylaws by submitting them to the membership in writing at any regular meeting.  A vote shall be held at the next regular meeting.

(c)   Records of the bylaws in effect shall be kept separately from the Constitution to facilitate the updating and changing of such bylaws.

ARTICLE VI Code of Ethics

The code of ethics of the Calgary Numismatic Society reads as follows: 

I agree to support and be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and such regulations and policies as may be in force from time to time.

I agree to base all my dealings on the highest plane of fairness and morality and to neither buy nor sell numismatic items of which the ownership is questionable.

I agree to take immediate steps to correct any errors I may have made.

I agree to clearly indicate and mark all numismatic items I sell, exhibit, produce, or advertise that are counterfeits, copies, restrikes, or reproductions as such.

I will represent a numismatic item as genuine only if, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is authentic. 

I agree to live up to all contracts made by me, either verbal or written.

I agree to aid members in the quest for numismatic knowledge to the best of my ability.

ARTICLE VII Amendments to the Constitution

Proposed amendments to the constitution shall be presented in writing to the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  Such proposed amendments shall be published to the members at least one week prior to the Annual General Meeting.  To become effective the proposed amendments require a 3/4 (three quarters) majority of those eligible members present at the Annual General Meeting.


June 25, 2024

001   Members

        A.     The membership of the Calgary Numismatic Society (the Society or CNS) shall consist of:

                (i)        Regular Members

                (ii)       Junior Members

                (iii)      Honourary Life Members

                (iv)      Family members

                (v)       Corporate members

        B.    Eligibility for membership:

                 (i)       Any person of good reputation, eighteen (18) years of age or over, shall be eligible to apply for Regular membership.

                 (ii)       Any person of good reputation, under the age of eighteen (18) shall be eligible to apply for Junior membership.

                (iii)      Honourary Life Members shall be awarded by the Executive Committee from time to time.

                (iv)      Family Memberships are available to a husband, wife, and unmarried children under the age of eighteen (18), or a combination thereof, living at the same address.

                (v)       Any non‑profit club, society, association, corporation, museum, library, archives, or institution of learning whose officers are of good reputation, shall be eligible to apply for a Regular membership.

        C.     Each membership shall represent only one (1) vote except for junior members under the age of sixteen (16) whom shall not have the right to vote.  Such votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise.

        D.     All memberships shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Society, except that:

                (i)        Family Memberships shall receive only one copy of the Society's official publications.

                (ii)       Members under the age of sixteen (16) and corporate members shall not be eligible to hold office.

                (iii)       Organizations holding Regular Memberships shall not be eligible to hold office.

        E.     Membership in the Calgary Numismatic Society is a privilege and not a matter or right.  Such membership can be terminated when a 3/4 (three quarters) majority of the Executive Committee ascertains that the conduct of a member has been such that, in the best interest of the Society, the membership should be terminated.

        F.      In order to remain in good standing, members shall abide by the Society's code of ethics.  A breach of the code of ethics shall be considered conduct detrimental to the welfare of the Society and a possible cause for action by the Executive Committee.

        G.     Application for membership shall be submitted to a member of the Executive Committee in writing.  The application shall include:

                (i)        The applicant's name;

                (ii)       The applicant's address;

                (iii)      If under eighteen (18), the applicant's date of birth;

                (iv)      The membership category applied for;

                (v)      Date of application;

                (vi)     In case of junior membership application, the signature of the parent or guardian agreeing to be responsible for the applicant's actions, while a member, to the age of eighteen (18).

        H.     The application for membership shall be accompanied by a minimum of one year's membership fee, and, except  for a junior member, the one-time administration fee. The administration fee is not optional and is used to cover  set-up expenses including but not limited to name tags.

        I.      The membership fees for the various categories shall be determined by the Executive Committee and shall be put  before the membership as per Article V(b) of the Constitution of the Society.

        J.      The membership fees shall be posted in the monthly bulletin. Membership and administrative fees may be updated  from time to time with a simple majority vote of the quorum established at a regular meeting. 

        K.     Any member wishing to withdraw from the membership may do so upon notice in writing to the Executive Committee.

        L.      If any member is in arrears for dues or assessments, such member shall be automatically suspended at the  expiration of six (6) months from the date on which the dues or assessments are payable, and shall thereafter not  be entitled to membership privileges.

        M.    To be reinstated under his/her old membership number the suspended member shall pay all arrears in fees and/or  assessments at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Otherwise, the suspended member shall reapply for  membership if he/she wants to be reinstated.

        N.     Upon receipt of the complete application for membership, the Treasurer shall refer the name of the applicant to  the Executive Committee and if no objection to admission is received within one month from date of notice, the  applicant shall be admitted to the membership. In the event that an objection is raised, the Executive Committee  shall vote to decide whether or not to admit the applicant to the membership based on the information it has  received, and on the results of any investigation it may conduct.

002  The Executive Committee

       A.      All officers of the Executive Committee (the Committee), except for the Immediate Past President and the Alberta  & Northwest Territories Representative of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association shall be elected at the  Annual General Meeting.

        B.     Any member in good standing may nominate any other member in good standing for election as an officer of the  Society, with the exception as stated in 001 (D).

        C.     All nominations shall be made with the consent of the candidate. Nominees who are not present at the Annual  General Meeting shall inform the Committee of their consent prior to the Annual General Meeting.

       D.     The term of office for officers shall be two years. Any officer may be re-elected. An officer, either appointed or  elected, may be removed from office for conduct unbecoming his position if, in the opinion of a 3/4 (three quarters) majority of the Executive Committee, such action is warranted. Any officer may also be removed from office  upon a majority vote of the members in good standing, for any cause which the society may deem reasonable.

        E.     All officers shall serve without compensation.

        F.      Any vacancy occurring in an elected office, between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by the Executive  Committee. Should the position of President become vacant between Annual General Meetings, such position  will be assumed by a Vice-President, in order of seniority of office.

        G.     The officers of the Executive Committee shall be:

                (i)        President

                (ii)       First Vice-President

                (iii)      Second Vice-President

                (iv)      Secretary

                (v)       Treasurer

                (vi)      Immediate Past President

                (vii)     Up to Four (4) Directors

                The Alberta & Northwest Territories Representative of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association shall be an  ex-officio member of the Committee without voting rights.

         H.     Five (5) members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Each member of the Executive  Committee shall have one vote. All votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. 

       I.       The Executive Committee shall, subject to the bylaws or directions given it by a simple majority vote by the  membership of a quorum established at a regular meeting, have full control and management of the affairs of the  society. Any expense or financial commitment beyond the regular operating expenditures of the Society that exceeds one thousand dollars ($1000) shall be approved by a simple majority vote by the membership of a quorum  established at a regular meeting prior to implementation.

        J.      Police information check requirements: In order to protect the integrity of the Calgary Numismatic Society’s  proceedings, the roles of Treasurer and Youth Club Director are designated as high impact positions. These  positions will require a Police Information Check, to be conducted by the appropriate authority for the city of  Calgary, as a condition of tenure. The incumbents are required to complete the documentation within three (3)  months of assuming their positions. Any fees incurred by the incumbent to fulfil the documentation requirement  will be reimbursed by the Society.

(i) The Treasurer will provide a Police Information Check. 

(ii) The Youth Club Director will provide a Police Information Check including a Vulnerable Sector Search (iii) Either position may provide additional or equivalent documentation to support their qualifications. 

(iv) The completed documents will be kept on file by the Archivist indefinitely or until the dissolution of the  Society. 

(v) In the event an incumbent is unable to obtain an acceptable Police Information Check, the Committee  will convene to identify an alternative. 

        K.      Charitable donations: In the event that the Calgary Numismatic Society is in possession of surplus funds from any  source, and is desiring to make a charitable donation, the following regulations will apply: 

(i) As the mandate of the Calgary Numismatic Society (CNS) indicates, our focus is the promotion of the numismatic hobby. Hence, on a per annum basis, at least 75% of our total charitably donated funds must be  directed to numismatic related causes. This includes, but is not limited to, organizations such as the Canadian  Association for Numismatic Education, the J. Douglas Ferguson Historical Research Foundation, the Nickle  Galleries at the University of Calgary, the Glenbow Museum in Calgary and the Royal Alberta Museum in  Edmonton. 

(ii) No donation is permitted that would place undue financial hardship on the CNS or imperil the ability to meet  our ordinary financial commitments throughout the year. 

(iii) Any donations up to and including $1,000 may be made by decision of the majority of the Executive Committee. 

(iv) Any donations exceeding $1,000, must be ratified by majority vote of attending members in good standing  at a regular monthly meeting, prior to the donation actually being made. 

(v) So as to provide fairness and variety in the non-numismatic donations of the CNS, any non-numismatic  organization receiving a donation from the CNS is disqualified from receiving an additional donation from  the CNS for a period of three years. For example, if a donation is made in 2020, no additional donations may  be made to that organization until 2024. 

(vi) In the event that the CNS holds a specific charity fundraiser event, such as a Christmas charity auction, in  which all proceeds would flow ultimately from donors and not from club revenue, any donation made would  be exempt from the $1,000 vote regulation (K,(iv)), and not contribute to the 25% cap of annual donations  (K.(i))

        L.    Special committees shall be appointed by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee whenever it  may be deemed necessary or advisable. Any special committee so established may be rescinded if deemed  necessary or advisable by a majority of the Executive Committee.

        M.    The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee, and shall perform such duties as may pertain to his/her office. 

                (i)       The Vice‑Presidents shall, in order of seniority of office, assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties upon his/her request and shall, in the absence of the President, perform duties of that officer.

                (ii)       The Vice-Presidents shall, in order of seniority of office, assist the President in the discharge of his/her  duties upon his/her request and shall, in the absence of the President, perform duties of that officer. 

                (iii)       The Secretary shall be responsible for the keeping of the minutes of all meetings and shall handle all  correspondence relating to the Society. The Secretary shall inform the Society of all members who have  resigned. The Secretary shall keep and preserve all current documents relating to the affairs of the Society  and shall have custody of the seal, if any. 

                (iv)       The Treasurer shall keep true and accurate records of all financial transactions in accordance with generally  accepted accounting procedures. The Treasurer or designate shall collect all dues and other monies payable  to the Society. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in a financial institution in the name of the  Society and shall make all payments or deposits as ordered by the Executive Committee. All cheques shall  be signed by two (2) designated officers of the Executive Committee.  

                (v)       The Archivist shall be appointed by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee and shall keep  and preserve all non-current documents and other items relating to the affairs of the Society.

003  Meetings

        A.    The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting at least once every twelve months, for the election of officers  and for the transaction of matters of general business concerning the Society.

        B.     The Annual General Meeting shall be called by the President, or in his/her absence, by the ranking Vice-President  or by the Secretary, who shall notify all members of the time and place of the meeting. Notification of the meeting  shall be given to the membership at least thirty days prior to the meeting by placing a notice in the monthly Bulletin  to members or by mailing all members an announcement of the meeting.

        C.     Fifteen voting members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Society.

        D.     No votes shall be taken by proxy.

E. Ordinary resolutions may be passed by a simple majority vote of a quorum present at any meeting, where such  resolution is properly raised. Members attending a meeting via Zoom or other electronic platform will be deemed  to be present.

        F.  Matters of special importance shall be classed the same as amendments to the bylaws, as Special Resolutions.

G. Special Resolutions shall be announced in the Society's publication prior to the meeting at which the resolution shall be brought forward.

H. Special Resolutions shall be passed by not less than a 3/4 (three quarters) majority of such members entitled to vote  as are present in person at the meeting.

I. A special meeting shall be called by the President or Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by 1/3 (one-third)  of the members in good standing, setting forth the reasons for calling such meeting, which shall be by letter to the  last-known address of each member or email, delivered at least eight days prior to said meeting. 

J.  The Society will strive for openness and inclusiveness in all of its activities. Attendance at all Society meetings,  social functions and other sanctioned activities is open to all members of good standing. Junior members under the  age of sixteen (16), must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

004  Audit

A.   The books, accounts and records of the Society shall be audited at least once a year by a qualified accountant or  by two members of the Society.

B.    Audited annual reports shall be presented to the membership in a timely fashion.

C.    The books, accounts, and records of the Society may be inspected by any member at any time upon giving reason able notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of such books and records.

D.   Each member of the Executive Committee shall have access to the records, books and accounts of the Society at all times.

005  Seal

A. The Society may acquire a corporate seal.

B. The seal shall be affixed to documents or other instruments only upon resolution of the Executive Committee.  Any two officers may sign such documents or other instruments.

C. The secretary shall have custody of the seal.

006  Awards 

A. The Professor A.R. Prince Memorial Award shall be awarded to the Best of Show exhibit at the Society's annual  major coin show, if a show is so held.

B. The Donald D. Paterson Award can be awarded annually to a member of the Society determined by a majority  vote of the Executive Committee. It is herein stipulated the Award shall not necessarily be presented each and  every year, unless a suitable candidate in the opinion of the Committee, is available. The recipient must not  have won the Award previously. The recipient must be a member in good standing of the Society and the  candidate's worthiness, shall be determined based on his or her contribution to Numismatics in the City of  Calgary while he or she is a member of the Society.

C. The Executive Committee may, from time to time, choose to award a member with an Honourary Life Membership.  Honourary Life Members shall be those persons who, for outstanding service to the Society or the science of  numismatics, have been nominated by a member or members of the Committee and so accepted by not less than a  3/4 (three quarters) majority of the Committee.

008 Dissolution

1. In the event that the Society is wound up or dissolved, the remaining assets including any and all funds held by  the Society, will be given to the Nickle Galleries, Numismatic Collection, administered by the University of  Calgary.

NOTE: The Constitution and Bylaws above are provided for information only. The document has been re-formatted to fit electronic media and may differ from the official document filed with the Alberta Government. Please contact the Calgary Numismatic Society for clarification of any of the above articles.